All Great Masters recommend we do prayers because they are a form of communication with God. During the prayer, we open our heart to God, to the Being, and that´s when he can hear us. It´s also when we clean ourselves from hatred, bitterness and deficiencies of what brings us suffering.
Bhagavan Sri Ramana also prayed. He lived in the Ashram, at the feet of Arunachala, the holy mountain, and used to repeat: “Oh, Arunachala! When will I be devoured by you?” Arunachala is where Shiva manifests and there is the sacred fire. It has been said in India that there is a constant light, a reflection as if there was a torch lit at the top of the mountain. He used to walk around the mountain while saying his prayers. With him, the disciples, who took note of everything and, that is why, lucky for us, today we are able to know the prayers that he recited. Guru Nanak´s prayers and chants were transformed into praise to Krishna, to the Supreme Strength. St. Francis of Assisi prayed, Dadaji J.P. Vaswani prays. Sri Maha Krishna wrote many prayers. In two of them, wonderful ones, he asks Christ to bless us and therefore we repeat them in the beginning of our spiritual meetings. I always prayed and one my requests is that the Masters give me courage, may I never lose faith and never let doubt enter in my heart because when doubt enters, faith goes.
Prayers bring comfort. I want you to feel the power of prayers and, when there is need for prayer, praise, a devotional song, do them. Sing high, because, when singing, the body vibrates, and this is a way of cleansing, in addition to bringing much comfort. When you serve a person in need, say a prayer and, when you do it and meditate, may God give each one of you somehow you somehow you can bless others. May you take the power of forgiveness, the oblivion of the offense, to promote the minutes of silence, so that together we can bring harmony, because the world needs a lot of harmony.
People say they want to be happy, but for them only their own happiness matters, not caring about others. They are happy because they gave what to eat, not caring if there are others starving. Selfishness is everywhere and there is a great lack of love. Love is the foundation of the Divine. We meditate and keep in silence to find the Divine, and the only way of knowing if we are really on the right track is when we can look at each other, forgive, forget and love.
Love is the way we touch others. In India, they talk about dharshan, when one units with the divine, who is in tune with the Divine conveys universal love. There is a lack of love; people come and ask for a touch, a look.
True love, the love of the Strength, God´s love is not the one people, one day talk about it and, the next day, they get angry, despise, mistreat. True love is when we touch someone´s heart with a look and he feels the Divine Strength and then try to feel that love all the time, so the search of that person become the one for the Divine. That´s because he feels such love, the Strength, the Light and he wants it, wants to feel the Divine that is in us. With this love, which is from the Divine, we can take the other to the same path and help him. When someone has the taste of something wonderful, which is the Divine Love, they want to feel it all the time. The important thing is to touch the person´s heart. If we are able to help the person feel the love and start their spiritual quest, it is a sign that we are o n the path of universal love.
Expressing love, we are expressing God, because God is love. When we realize God, the duality of the search ceases and we no longer say to love or not to love, because it is not only us loving, it is God who is manifesting through us. People are not going to search for it with anyone, they know intuitively who expresses the divine love and receiving the touch, they awaken to a spiritual path. That is why there are crowds around the Gurus an holy men as Dada J.P. Vaswani, everybody wants a blessing, a touch, because they are sure they were touched by God.
Today I understand why a lot of people want to be under the balcony of Dadaji or other Gurus and holy people all the time with their hands placed firmly together asking for the blessing: if they cannot feel the love any other way at least have someone´s touch. This is our role, the position of someone working to find God.
Bhagavan Ramana worked for us to feel the Divine through Silence, to awaken the true love, which is God. The Divine manifests in no other form than love. We will only express the Divine we are when we feel universal love in all its fullness: loving the plants, the animals, all beings, acting with character, respecting, not bullying, not insulting, not feeling hatred. The present world is full of hatred.
It has been said that when Bhagavan looked at the person, he transcended the physical and saw the Divine we are, love was so great that the person also transcended Their physical and became aware of the Divine Strength. The eyes are also a manifestation and it is through them that we convey the Strength, following that comes the touch. The Strength of Jesus was so great, love for the Being was so great that he did not need to touch, he just looked at and the crowds, the whole universe was receiving that Strength. This is because the Strength that comes from the eyes or the hands is the Strength that comes from the love of the heart; it is Divine manifesting the Supreme Strength.
Let´s bow our heads and revere the Divine Love. May he bless us, as he has blessed us today, and may we have the humility to not divert us from our purpose. Bless us not to be afraid of Silence, which, being so strong, sometimes we try to escape, seeking entertainment. Do not look for anything other tan the peace of the Divine and try to stay with it twenty-four hours a day. Ask to keep yourselves in the way of God, and do not forget Christ. Stand aside him and walk along with him.
May you not lose faith; do not let people tell you that your spiritual goal is nonsense. Live the life you have to live, because no one is asking for enclosure, but do not forget about the love of the Divine which has to be in everyone´s heart. Every time you have a moment or have an act of anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, which are very bad for humans, or when you realize you are wishing for what the others have, stop. If you gave a moment of anger, stop, do not let it out, remember that the Divine is always love. When you have an act any other tan love, it is because you are not with God. Unveil all offenses and do not kill any animal. There are people who will go to another country to hunt, remove the animal skin to wear it as a coat. This is kicking God, offending the Father, because it is all his creation, everything is beautiful, wonderful. The animals revere God their own way. They know him, they are pure.
We usually say we are children or the likeness of God, and we are. But who wants to obey the Father? The majority do not want to obey God or the divine laws and seek for other laws than those of the divine.
If each one of us is able to resonate the vibration of love to rule oneself, this Strength spreads out and we can make it keep growing. That is the reason why there are temples, churches. I was in a place where there were four nuns taking pictures, embracing and happy. I remember it well because it was on my birthday. I felt such great love for the white robes, for the joy that was going on, I hugged one of them and asked: “I want a hug from Christ too, because today is my birthday”. They hugged me back and I said: “Now I´m happy because Christ hugged me.” We know that when someone wears white clothes, they must be as pure as they are. We should have reverence because they are devoting their life to Christ, which very few people do on Earth.
Let us be conscious of love, so that we can spread love an respect. If the divine love is manifested in your hearts, I am sure that, in every place you pass by, people will look at you, they will say hello to you, they will feel attracted, because God´s love is like a magnet: whoever feels it wishes that Strength. He who has this love hears: “You have something that I do not know what it is: a brightness, a light”. I know you hear that.
May we be abundantly blessed, revering Christ of All Times. The goal of Bhagavan is to lead us to Christ. He does not want anyone to adore him, but to achieve the Being who we are, the Christ we are, Shiva, Krishna, Rama we all are. We gather to revere and ask them to bless us so that we can express the Being in the fullness of the Divine Love, feeling the Silence, forgiving and caring for all beings in the universe.
(From the book "The Divine is Love", by Mataji Sutra Maha Devi)