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The Circle of Light (preview)
Chapter I - Christic Force

One day, when I heard the song of the birds, Christ came to my Circle of Light and looked at me with all the Force of Being. From that gaze my unity with Him was born.

Later he showed me that, somewhere, in some time frame, he took the wisdom and deposited it in the heart of a simple fisherman who threw his net on the right side.

After that, he extracted joy from his eternal compassion and gave it to the oppressed, thirsty and tired who are dragged through the roads of karma. He poured his Light over the fallen men, who trembled in fright by his splendor. In those days he established the Gospel for the salvation of humanity, while the cruel priests of darkness sowed terror in the hearts of the just.

He told me that the people of Israel await a Messiah who was promised to them by the prophets. But He affirmed that the Messiah had already been among the children of Israel, as the Consoler, who he himself has announced, is on Earth today.

The cycles pass and men remain in unconsciousness, living bound to the things of the profane world. They insist on rejecting the bread of life, while they wait for the return of the Christ of All Times.

I passed by the Earth - he said - involved in compassion, but the majority of men ran from me to later persecute me and practice all evil in my name. But I was not touched by any of this.

They sought me in the tomb and did not find me, because they sought my death. But I am the life and the Light of Truth, death cannot touch me.

I did not come to change the external world or disrespect the laws of men. The world continues to be what it always was: men eat, drink, marry, dedicate themselves to their businesses and die. But this is the play that they act out on the stage of the great manifestation. Men must detach themselves from their roles and become conscious of their true identity. I came so that they can change their internal world according to the sacred Universal Law which rules the cosmic harmony. As long as men exist under the Sun, there will be an Eternal Law. This Eternal Law I come to bring you in the name of the Christ of All Times.

I do not pronounce these teachings through the thinking mind, the profane ego, nor the intellect, but through pure intuition, which is the divine link between the dense body and the Supreme Self. Do what I say, fulfill the teachings and you will see that I preach the Truth.

The Truth is like the wind, no one knows from where it comes nor to where it will go. This occurs up to the moment in which the person identifies himself with the Truth and becomes conscious of it. Then one knows where it comes from. But it no longer matters knowing the origin and the end of something which is eternally present and unchangeable. Whoever is faithful to the Truth will know it, become One with it and be free from all evil. Therefore, one must feel this force, and not try to understand it. So it is with everyone who comes from the divine, which is felt but not seen.

It is said that when I was inquired about the Truth, I did not respond. Hypocrites, as I was judged because I only spoke the Truth. The Truth is the law of self-liberation. Falsehood is the law of slavery and of death. The Truth is the essential force of supreme love, it is the refuge of all conscious beings. The Truth is the Divine Self. The Truth does not need words, it exists by itself. Therefore, honor Truth. It does not matter from which Master it comes, as long as it is proven to be the Truth.

The Truth cannot be omitted, it must be revealed to the pure and meek of heart. The Supreme Truth is one and indivisible. But men, because of spiritual unconsciousness, mix Truth with falsehood. Truth is what it is. Falsehood is what it appears to be.

He who meditates the sound of the Divine Self will know the Truth, and this Truth will free him. This Truth is called compassion and will console the heart of men. Compassion is one of the great virtues which everyone must possess, as it gives the impulse to help those beings who are possessed by affliction. Purity and love for the Truth are the force which illuminates the path of all humanity.

Who follows the sacred teachings must practice patience and conserve happiness amidst the worst offenses. If bad people offend you, you must say without resentment: "They are good because they do not hit me". If they beat you: "They are good people because they do not kill me". And if they kill you: "They are so good because they have freed me from this perishable life without damaging my salvation".

All which is sown in the name of the Masters will be transformed into reward in times to come, for all action returns to its source, according to the Divine Law.

All good work comes from the heart and, by the will of the Supreme Self, transforms into harmony. The coming generations will learn a lesson of love and equality from its work and from its simplicity.

Every act of compassion cleans the heart from morbidness and hatred and teaches man to console his fellow.

Blessed is he who preaches to his fellows and acts according to what he preaches. Thus, he acts as a sage, revitalizing humanity.

Wisdom as an inheritance is a good and beneficial thing for those who come from the Sun. It is like a shelter in the storm, like a compass to the navigator. Wisdom preserves the life of he who possesses it.

The Supreme Self guides your steps; you must only walk with it. Therefore, do not plan for tomorrow, for no one on Earth knows what today will bring.

The paths of wisdom are paths of discernment and all its Truths are of peace and consciousness.

Every man is endowed with the faculty to discern about his good or bad actions. Therefore, he is responsible for his destiny and must make sure that the ideals of life in communion with the Divine destroy everything that is of a negative nature.

He who plants is wise, but whoever sleeps at harvest time is unconscious. He who affirms the Truth knows justice, but whoever bears false witness is unjust and will never know the Truth.

Men will have no rest until they become conscious of the blessedness of the Divine Self, since its essential origin is eternal happiness, and it is always present in each one.

The great illusion of the dual world produces the feeling of separateness in men. But if they consciously unite with the Supreme Self the illusion disappears forever.

Men are like me and they all have the right to my love. I am the consciousness of Self. Therefore the unconsciousness of darkness will not prevail over the just.

In truth, I came to bring joy to the unhappy and to tell the just to only take refuge in the Divine Self and in its teachings, and they will be saved.

I am the source of supreme love. At my side nothing impure remains. All dangers disappear because the Supreme Self is One with me. From this unity I bring you the Truth that will set you free.

I came to bring the Truth so that it can be known by all men in the present and in times to come.

The Truth of the Supreme Self abides in the heart of men. And every outrage against it is an attempt against Truth. Every unjust judgment, every arbitrary condemnation, every humiliation and oppression is an attempt to erase the Truth of the Divine Self, to hide the proof of its existence, to deny, to cover the essence of divine love. But the darkness will not prevail, and the justice of this love will neutralize it forever.

The love that I brought you is not of this world. It is the raw material for the consciousness of the Divine Self. I do not want that, in the name of divine love or in my Self name, the injustices and violence of the so called powerful hidden. I want, rather, that they be revealed, to be destroyed at the root. I do not want fights to be resolved with false promises of peace. I want the causes of the fighting to be banished forever.

I did not only come to demand the forgiveness from spoken offenses by one nation to another, or from one man to another, but also to demand the conversion of the aggressor.

I never taught anyone to surrender to evil, but to resist evil, neutralize it and avoid it. It is not enough to offer the right side of the face to he who hits the left side. It is necessary to have the courage to ask the aggressor: Why do you hit me?

Throw down your arms!
Sheathe your swords!
No more revenge!
It is not by killing the unjust
And the aggressors
That one implants justice
Or builds peace.

I do not condemn anyone and affirm: I will always be at the side of he who suffers and who seeks justice; at the side of he who longs and fights for self-liberation; and of he who desires a world of beings conscious of the Divine Self

I love everyone, but I cannot always be with everyone because their hearts continue to be closed to the divine subtlety. I love the every day crucified and the crucifiers, but I am with the crucified and not with the crucifiers. I love the oppressed and the oppressors, but I am with the oppressed, not with the oppressors. I love the just and the unjust, but I am with the just and not with the unjust. I love the poor and hungry and the rich and egotistical, but I am with the poor and hungry and not with the rich and egotistical.

This universe is impregnated with me, in my unmanifested aspect. All creatures have me in their roots, but I am not rooted in them. The powerful air, which is flexible and permeates all, has its essential roots in me, as well.

Hidden in nature, which is filled with goodness and compassion, I observe the whole multitude of beings which nature makes rapidly advance in movements, and also observe the unmoving ones. The universe moves in circles, but I am not the universe, nor the beings which move in it, but rather the force which makes them exist, which makes them move.

The foolish despise me when, dressed in human form of the Sat Guru Dev, I am sometimes manifested. They ignore my real supreme nature, emptiness made of emptiness, emptiness made of hope, emptiness made of wisdom. Unconscious of my essence, they participate in the illusory, brutal and disastrous nature.

There are many who surrender to me, with the sublime sacrifice of wisdom, adoring me as the Adi, the Only, the One which is reflected in the heart of all the beings of the universe.

He who offers an orange leaf, a flute, fruit, rose petals with great devotion and, carefully offers his heart, this one loves me and will certainly take care of the sacred teachings. This one is in me.

I am the same to all creatures, there is none that I find hateful or especially dear. Those who truly adore me with their heart are in me and I am also in them.

My eyes are everywhere contemplating the just and the unjust.

The Truth of the just is the light of the Sun, which shines until it dissipates the clouds.

Guard my teachings in your heart, because your salvation depends on them.

I love all those who follow the divine teachings. Those who seek me at dawn will certainly find me.

I am the flavor of the waters,
The brightness of the Sun reflected in the Moon
And in all the celestial bodies in the sky;
The teachings
And the power of all the scriptures.
I am the sacred sound of the ether,
The primordial prana
And the power of men.
I am the pure fragrance of the land
And the brightness of fire.
I am the life in all creatures,
The nature so harmonious,
Active and vigorous.


I am One with the Divine Self. I came to restore the Law, and he who follows it will be free of all injustice. Therefore, walk through the path of Truth and become Light. Cast far away the useless things and fulfill the Law of supreme love. Destroy the force of the thinking mind and profane ego. Let the force of the Divine Self emerge in your hearts. Eliminate the profane ego, because as long as it is present the passions will continue even stronger and the wind of darkness will blow over your spiritual projects. Never be tormented, nor be worried about things of the world. Reunite again everything that has been scattered so that there is harmony among men.

(From the book "The Circle of Light", by Sri Maha Krishna Swami)

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